Thank you, Mary Bradley

 January 2021, Newsletter  Comments Off on Thank you, Mary Bradley
Dec 312020
Thank you, Mary Bradley

The Belmont Citizens Forum is sad to announce the departure of Mary Bradley from her post as managing editor. Mary joined the BCF Newsletter crew in January 2018, and quickly impressed everyone with her good cheer and indefatiguable energy for recruiting writers, photographers, and artists to contribute to the newsletter. Mary’s tenacity, patience, and persistence in pursuing people and stories has strengthened the newsletter, leading the BCF to new ideas and new people. After nearly two years of keeping track and tracking down, Mary has decided to take a break. We are grateful for her contributions, and wish her well [READ MORE]

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Five Editors, 20 Years

 January 2020, Newsletter  Comments Off on Five Editors, 20 Years
Jan 062020
Five Editors, 20 Years

By Evanthia Malliris At the end of 1999, when the Belmont Citizens Forum was taking shape in response to the McLean land development, Sharon Vanderslice said to the board of directors, “What this group needs is a newsletter.” Those words launched 20 years of a bimonthly newsletter—121 issues to date—that examines in-depth topics critical to BCF’s mission. Transforming words into action, Sharon became newsletter editor, establishing the newsletter’s standards and substance that continue today. Volume 1, number 1, published in January 2000, included an analysis of legal action seeking to overturn the McLean property rezoning; a review of plans to [READ MORE]
