Jan 052024

Thank you for all your efforts on behalf of us, Belmont residents!

1. The Opinion by Max Colice on Chapter 61B [“Opinion: Why Pay Property Taxes When You Can Get a Tax Break?”, BCF Newsletter, November 2023] was an eye opener: our property taxes subsidize the Belmont Country Club! In the meantime we are discussing an upcoming override to increase the taxes we now pay.

This excellent idea to contact state Senator Brownsberger and Representative Rogers needs to be pursued promptly! I suggest we collect signatures from Belmont residents in a bulk kind of letter and send it to the two representatives of Belmont. I am sure Belmont Country Club members can afford a bit of higher taxes than many Belmont residents.

2. Taylor Yates and Paul Joy’s opinion was also on the money. I understand from Elizabeth Dionne’s interview the difficulties the Select Board faces as their decisions come with a lesser authority. I think we need to change that, because many good ideas on how to save our town and its residents from the constant threat of tax increases either rust in drawers or languish in interminable discussions and or deliberations.

Finally, I want to stress that our love for our town, where we raised our children these past 40+ years deserves to better regulate its expenses and its budget. Putting to vote items that cost an exorbitant amount of money—without having prior knowledge whether the money can be secured—is not a good idea because it leads to discussions of overrides and or holes in the town’s budget. It also creates negative feelings from our older residents who face difficult choices in their golden years.

Thank you,

Andreas Geovanos


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