Mar 142016

The Belmont Citizens Forum is seeking high school and college interns to work with board members and volunteers during spring and summer vacations. Specific areas of current interest include the use of water quality monitoring, GIS, and social media tools to educate citizens about local stormwater issues, historical analysis of impervious surfaces in Belmont, and research related to the economics of bike path alternatives.

Please send a description of your availability, interests, and background to by April 1 for a one-week spring internship and by May 1 for a summer internship. Interns typically work one-to-one with a mentor to define a suitable project, the result of which is often published in the BCF Newsletter. While there is no financial compensation, past interns have found value in the experience of addressing environmental goals in Belmont as they assess their future study and career directions.

BCF newsletter articles by recent interns:

Many Bikeway Abutters Forego Trail Barriers by Leah Brahms and Vince Stanton Nov/Dec 2013
How Could Belmont Build a Pedestrian Tunnel? by Nick Manos March/April 2013
Clay Pit Pond’s Setting Belies Toxic Past by Jenny Kim Jan/ Feb 2013
Citizens Can Reduce Stormwater Pollution by Tom Miller Sept/Oct 2012
Japanese Nature Walk by Shuntaro Shirota Sept/Oct 2012


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